Thursday, October 28, 2010

As Promised...

I made a promise this week to show off a few of your Halloween pictures on CHEX TV and on the blog. Every holiday I ask for fun pictures and the ones I get always seem to have one thing in common...pets in costumes! It never fails, but that's okay. I'm an animal lover to! So, as promised, here are a few Halloween pet pictures that have made their way into my may even see a few of these on CHEX.
This first pic comes from Chimo and no that's not just any ordinary skunk! It's the scary "Skunk Shih Tzu" that patrols his property every Halloween.
This next picture showcases a few "Halloween Pugs" courtesy of Kerri, one of our loyal CHEX viewers.

Here's a pic from Kim MacMillan of her cat Jeffery ready to celebrate Halloween. Hmmm...I wonder if he plays Quidditch? Please keep sending your pictures to me at and I'll show as many of them as I can on TV or here on the blog. I also have a special Halloween forecast for you tomorrow (both online and on Newswatch) that will breakdown what kind of weather you can expect while you're out with the kiddies on Halloween night. Think of it as a "9-2-5" forecast for the 6pm-9pm hours for Sunday night. Check back here tomorrow for your special Halloween forecast!

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