First of all...sorry for the lack of posts this week. As you may already know I am a meteorology student as well as a weather guy and I have been busy with final exams over the last few days. At 28 years old it feels weird to still be complaining about "finals" but, as of last night, at least I am done for another semester. Now back to the weather, after a few days of cool (below seasonal) weather a warm up is finally here. As today rolls on we'll start to see a big shift in wind direction and the tem will rise with warm southerly winds. The picture above is from the latest NAM forecast model run and I've added the fronts so it makes more sense. Ahead of that cold front we can expect a southwesterly flow of wind and temperatures into the twenties by tomorrow. So there's some good news for you. Here's more good news, that same system will finally bring us some much needed rain. I know that a rainy weekend forecast is not popular...but if we don't see rain during the spring (and it has been VERY dry) then summer will be very brown and the fire season could be very active.