Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Mother Nature Loves Canada!
A Wild One!

Monday, June 28, 2010
Although folks living near the Texas/Mexico border will be unhappy, many are breathing a sigh of relief along the gulf coast. Hurricanes can be devastating enough to coastal communities on their own let alone combining a super storm with one of the largest environmental disasters in history. This scenario is almost unimaginable and luckily this looks to be NOT the case with "Alex." Tropical Storm Alex is expected to develop into a category 2 hurricane as it moves over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The good news is that the latest track (seen above) puts that storm well to the west of that giant oil slick from the Horizon deep water leak. (Please keep in mind that my oil slick drawing is a VERY rough estimate and not to scale). Even if the storm strays to the very edges of the Hurrican Center's cone of is still likely to miss the oil. That's the good news. The bad news? This is only the start of the Atlantic hurricane season and more storms are likely to affect the gulf over the next few months.