Tonight on Newswatch Weather we'll have a very informative feature for you. With the recent lightning strike in Southern Ontario that has put three people (2 of them young children) in hospital, I thought it would be a good idea to learn how to help a lightning strike victim. Luckily for us the good folks at
St. John Ambulance will give us some advice tonight at 6pm that could help save a life. I want to send a big thanks out to Connie, Laura and Daniell at the SJA here in Peterborough for a really great demonstration of how good first aid training is essential to help a lightning strike victim. Oh and don't forget about the tips we went over last night. When caught in a storm it is best to stay low, avoid tall or metal objects, find cover (like a builidng or inside a vehicle) and stay indoors unitl 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder. We'll see you tonight on Newswatch @ 6pm.
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