Thursday, June 17, 2010

Minor Flooding

As promised here is that video of the minor flood situation on Monaghan Road yesterday in the city's south end. The key word here is "minor" but there was enough pooling to slow traffic at one point with water touching bumpers. This video was shot right in front of our studios and most of the water had drained off the road by the time we were able to get out there. (A big thanks to Shannon for grabbing these shots for me by the way as I was busy delivering the noon forecast...she braved the rain). About 5 minutes before this video was shot, the road was almost completely covered as was the southbound sidewalk. The water was knee deep at one point.

So just how much rain fell? All in all we saw just over 18mm of rain fall throughout the day but between 8-10mm fell in one heavy downpour between 11:20am and about noon. Now this is not a huge amount of rain in terms of volume but the rate at which it fell was too much for the city's infrastucture to handle here in the south end...a problem residents here are all to aware of. Thought you'd enjoy the video...expect more sunshine tomorrow.

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