I love this pic! Carl Hoskisson sent me this one last year when I had a chance to meet Santa at Peterborough Square...although I can't explain the stupid look on my face. I chose this pic for today's blog because this weekend is a big one featuring the "big guy." It's the first weekend of December! Shoppers will be hitting the malls and stores, the corporate types will be partying it up at their office Christmas parties and the Kinsmen Santa Clause Parade wil be making its way down George Street.
The weather looks to be great for the parade but you will need to bundle up. By the time the parade gets underway you can expect the temperature to be a few degrees below freezing, but that's where we should be for an early December evening so it's hard to complain. (Although it will feel colder factoring in wind chill). The parades official start time is 4:45pm and more details can be found by clicking here and don't forget to bring your non-perishables. I know that the Flemming College Folk Committee will be collecting for their hamper campaign.
Also this weekend, be sure to help out the Peterborough Army Cadets who are having their "Tag Day" this Saturday from 9am until 3pm. Cadets will be at stores across the city collecting funds to support various cadet activities so please help them out. The Salvation Army's Christmas Kettle campaign is underway as well so have your change handy and finally, this Sunday Junior Achievement Peterborough is holding their big fundraiser based on the movie "The Bucket List." Come check out their silent auction this Sunday evening at the Holiday Inn. The items up for grabs include amazing trips, getaways and even the chance to spend the day with some of Peterborough's most interesting people...I somehow managed to get on that list so if you'd like to work in the "CHEX Weather Centre" for a few hours please place a bid. For ticket info please call the Kawartha FEST office at (705) 874-6960.
Have a great weekend!
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